Consuming Data in Market Research: Training Session

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After a 5 year hiatus we are pleased to announce that training courses are being bought back to the MRG! Tom Morgan from Tapestry will be running  “Working with...”  a course focused on Consuming Data in Market Research.

The course will cover a wide range of topics, split into the following sections:

  • Working with... the basics: maths you use every day without really thinking about it
  • Working with... Jargon: some key terms data scientists and statisticians use to make themselves seem clever
  • Working with... Data visualisation: why pie charts suck and correspondence maps aren't saying what you think they are
  • Working with... Factor analysis: the power of data reduction
  • Working with... Drivers analysis, or "why it takes so long to produce one bar chart"
  • Working with... Segmentation, or how to eat an orange

Whether you’re a stats novice or just looking for a refresher there’s something for everyone in this course and the content will be tailored towards an MRG audience. There are only limited places available on the course so book up now to avoid disappointment!

More about the tutor: Tom, Director of Analytics & Development at Tapestry, specialises in creative application of complex statistical analysis but can pass for normal in the right light. With over 15 years in research, his genius is in marrying the theoretical to the practical; unpicking complex maths to make intuitive sense for the layperson. He also loves terrible jokes and won't be able to stop himself making awful puns throughout the session.

Cost: £150 per delegate (for members) and £215 for non-members (this cost includes membership).

When: 30th April 2025 starting at 3:30pm and finishing at 5:30pm

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