We have four fantastic papers as well as networking drinks and nibbles.
Laura Rowe, from OMD will present ‘The farce of class’. This paper is part of the ‘real Britain series’ and won the award for best paper at the recent MRG London ‘No Pressure, No Diamonds’ Conference. The paper takes an in depth look into the role that class plays for people in the UK. Classism is one of the most acceptable forms of discrimination in society and the workplace and is extraordinarily complex. The papers uses a literature review, expert interviews, ethnography and a large scale quant approach to challenge the use of SEG in its current form and to help guide syndicated media sources and the wider media landscape in general
Kristie Naha-Biswas, Head of Insight, IAB UK will present Looking ahead to 2030: The shape of advertising & media
In this session, IAB UK’s Insight Team will unveil an exclusive edit of findings from ‘Futurescape’, a major new study from IAB UK into the shape of media and marketing in 2030. The research combines expert analysis of trends, interviews with industry leaders, and in-depth IAB forecasting to create a rich 360 degree picture of what media, technology and consumer behaviour will look like - and what it means for advertisers.
We also have one paper from IPSOS and one from the wonderful Amanda Wigginton – watch this space for more details...