September 2020 Evening Meeting

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Videos of the three presentations are available for our members here:


The Guardian Podcast Research: Exploring the current state of the podcasts market and the reasons behind its growing listenership in the UK. The Guardian has examined the benefits and barriers to podcasts as part of a wide-ranging market understanding study into podcast listeners and considerers. This also extends into how people discover podcasts and examines their motivations for listening. These research findings have helped further our understanding into the Guardian’s podcast listenership base, as well uncovering future opportunities through this exciting platform.  

Linear digital metrics such as CTR% and engagement rate have long been the prime measure of success for advertisers. The time has come that we need to move beyond this and start understanding the value of the 99% of media which isn’t clicked on. One of the areas gaining pace as a measure of success is exploring attention based metrics. GumGum will discuss why these measures are so important and how they have explored how different targeting and creative approaches have significant impact on the attention given to one campaign over another.

Advertising during the Corona CrisisDVJ Insights: A frequently heard statement is that you shouldn’t stop advertising during a crisis: “You have to be present with your brand now, and offer people fun content. When people start looking for your brand again, you need to be top-of mind.” ‘Experts’ reference existing and sometimes non-existent research that would substantiate this statement. In addition, advertisers use the current COVID-19 situation to meet a new need or show sympathy for society. Rarely has the word “together” been used so often in advertising. But of course, the question stands whether it is true that advertising can make the difference now, and how it can best be done? To get a complete picture and provide advertisers a little more direction, DVJ has brought together three different studies or projects. In the first place, during the Brand Growth vision interviews, more than 25 marketing managers were asked how they deal with the current Corona crisis. In addition, we performed a meta-analysis on existing data to better understand the relationship between communication and sales. And finally, DVJ tested over a hundred TV commercials and online video ads in three markets to understand if and how the content of communications should be tailored to the current situation.

DVJ Insight are organising a “Digital Brand Growth Event” on Thursday, October 1st. This year they have two fantastic keynote speakers - Mark Ritson & Les Binet, who will share their take on Brand Growth. The central theme for this year is the role of creative development. 

For more details, please click here. If you would like to join the event, then please get in touch with Sim Dehra.

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